

“Straight on my way” it’s Mymisses’s first album, released on December 8th, 2017 and coproduced with RAW (Riccardo Atzeni Workbench). It’s a 27 minutes record, containing seven unreleased tracks entirely composed by Mymisses and arranged, recorded, mixed and mastered in Cagliari with the coproducer RAW together with the sound engineer Piergiorgio Boi (Electrical Storm Studio). The sounds of the songs range from hard rock to alternative metal, melodic themes accompanied by aggressive and massive sounds.

The title of the record and also of the second track of the same name, indicates conceptually the intention of the band to always go forward, despite all the obstacles that the complex world of contemporary music poses in front of emerging artists.
The other 6 tracks on the album are more or less the same sound hard rock/alternative metal and the same concept (“Face The Fear” is about facing inner fears and reaching freedom). The other songs also touch on more delicate themes such as war (“War Cry”) and the addiction to love and vices (“Slipping Away”, “Be Bad”, “Back To Fly”, “Hard To Leave”) .


Letteralmente “Dritta per la mia strada”, “Straight On My Way” è il primo album delle Mymisses, rilasciato l’8 dicembre 2017coprodotto insieme a RAW (Riccardo Atzeni Workbench). Si tratta di un disco della durata di 27 minuti, contenente sette tracce inedite interamente composte dalle Mymisses e arrangiate, registrate, mixate e masterizzate a Cagliari insieme al coproduttore RAW e all’ingegnere del suono Piergiorgio Boi (Electrical Storm Studio). Le sonorità dei brani spaziano dall’hard rock all’alternative metal, temi melodici accompagnati da suoni aggressivi e massicci.

Il titolo del disco e anche della seconda traccia omonima, indica concettualmente l’intenzione della band di andare sempre avanti, nonostante tutti gli ostacoli che il complesso mondo della musica attuale pone davanti agli artisti emergenti. Gli altri 6 brani dell’album mantengono lo stesso sound hard rock/alternative metal e lo stesso concept (“Face The Fear” riguarda l’affrontare le proprie paure e la ricerca della libertà). Le canzoni composte toccano anche temi più delicati come la guerra (War Cry”) e come la dipendenza dall’amore e dai vizi (Slipping Away”, Be Bad”, Back To Fly”, “Hard To Leave”).


LISTEN&BUY (available on all the digital stores):

Compact Disc (CD) – Spotify – ItunesApple Music – Google PlayAmazon MusicDeezer 



Vocals: Giorgia Pillai
Guitars: Laura Sau 
Bass: Stefania Cugia
Drums: Marta Camba
All tracks have been arranged by Mymisses and RAW Riccardo Atzeni.
Recorded, mixed and mastered by RAW Riccardo Atzeni and Piergiorgio Boi – Electrical Storm Studio.
Photographs by Roberto Pani.
Graphics layout by Stefania Cugia.

“We would like to thank our friends, our families and everyone who has encouraged us throughout the making of this record. We are very proud of this first achievement that was made possible thanks to your support. We are determined to carry on with our music and ideas.
Wishing you a pleasant listening.
Rock on!”